Data Kurikulum Tahun 2022
Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan

Semester 1
Matakuliah Wajib
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 NHA103 Ilmu Biomedik Dasar Basic Biomedical Science 2
2 NHA104 Komunikasi Dasar Keperawatan Nursing Basic Communication 2
3 UNV111 Bahasa Indonesia Indonesian Language 2
4 UNV113 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Civil Education 2
5 UNV114 Pendidikan Agama expand Religion Education 2
UNV115 Pend. Agama Islam Islamic Studies
UNV116 Pend. Agama Kristen Christian Studies
UNV117 Pend. Agama Katolik Cathlolic Studies
UNV118 Pend. Agama Hindu Hindusm Studies
UNV119 Pend. Agama Budha Budhism Studies
6 UNV121 Pendidikan Pancasila Pancasila Education 2
7 NHA101 Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia Basic Human Needs 3
8 NHA102 Konsep Dasar Keperawatan Basic Concepts of Nursing 3
9 UEU101 Bahasa Inggris 1 English Language 1 3
Total SKS 21

Semester 2
Matakuliah Wajib
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 NHA205 Falsafah dan Teori Keperawatan Nursing Philosophy and Theory 3
2 NHA206 Anatomi Fisiologi Anatomy Physiology 3
3 NHA207 Keterampilan Dasar Keperawatan Basic Nursing Skills 3
4 NHA208 Proses Keperawatan dan Berfikir Kritis Nursing Process and Critical Thinking 3
5 NHA209 Ilmu Dasar Keperawatan Basic Nursing Science 3
6 NHA210 Farmakologi Keperawatan Nursing Pharmacology 3
7 NHA211 Pendidikan dan Promosi Kesehatan Education and Health Promotion 3
Total SKS 21

Semester 3
Matakuliah Wajib
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 NHA315 Psikososial dan Budaya dalam Keperawatan Psychosocial and Culture In Nursing 2
2 NHA316 Sistem Informasi Keperawatan Nursing Information System 2
3 NHA318 PKL (Kebutuhan dan Keterampilan Dasar Keperawatan) Clinical Practice (Basic Nursing Needs and Skills) 2
4 NHA312 Keperawatan Dewasa Sistem Kardiovaskuler dan Respiratori Adult Nursing : System of Cardiovascular and Respiratory 3
5 NHA313 Keperawatan Maternitas Maternity Nursing 3
6 NHA314 Komunikasi Terapeutik Keperawatan Nursing Therapeutic Communication 3
7 NHA317 Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan Nursing English 3
8 UNV211 Kewirausahaan 1 Entrepreneurship 1 3
Total SKS 21

Semester 4
Matakuliah Wajib
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 NHA423 Keselamatan Pasien dan Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja Patient Safety and Occupational Health Safety 2
2 NHA424 Terapi Komplementer Manajemen Nyeri Complementary Therapies Pain Management 2
3 NHA425 Keperawatan Menjelang Ajal dan Paliatif End-of-life and palliative care 2
4 NHA419 Keperawatan Kesehatan Reproduksi Reproductive Health Nursing 3
5 NHA420 Keperawatan Dewasa Sistem Endokrin,Perkemihan dan Integumen Adult Nursing: Endocrine, Urinary and Integumentary Systems 3
6 NHA421 Keperawatan Anak Sehat dan Sakit Akut Pediatric Nursing: Healthy and Acutely Ill 3
7 NHA422 Keperawatan Kesehatan Jiwa dan Psikososial Mental Health and Psychosocial Nursing 3
8 NHA426 Keperawatan Dewasa Sistem Hematologi, Imunologi dan Pencernaan Adult Nursing on Hematology, Immunology and Digestive Systems 3
Total SKS 21

Semester 5
Matakuliah Wajib
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 NHA531 Konsep Keperawatan Komunitas Community Nursing Concept 2
2 NHA533 PKL (Kep Maternitas dan Kesehatan Reproduksi, Keperawatan Anak Sehat, Sakit Akut Kronis, Terminal) PKL (Maternity and Reproductive Health Nursing, Healthy Child Nursing, Acute Chronic Illness) 2
3 NHA527 Keperawatan Dewasa Sistem Muskuloskeletal, Persepsi Sensori dan Persarafan Nursing Adult on Musculoskeletal System, Sensory Perception and Nervousness 3
4 NHA528 Metodologi Penelitian Research Methodology 3
5 NHA529 Keperawatan Anak Sakit Kronis dan Terminal Nursing For Chronic and Terminally Sick Children 3
6 NHA530 Keperawatan Psikiatri Psychiatric Nursing 3
7 NHA532 Keperawatan Luka Wound Care 3
Total SKS 19

Semester 6
Matakuliah Wajib
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 NHA634 Keperawatan Agregat Komunitas Community Aggregate Nursing 3
2 NHA635 Biostatistik Biostatistics 3
3 NHA636 Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen Keperawatan Nursing Leadership and Management 3
4 NHA637 Keperawatan Gawat Darurat Emergency Nursing 3
5 NHA638 Keperawatan Keluarga Family Nursing 3
6 NHA639 PKL (Keperawatan Medikal Bedah) PKL (Medical Surgical Nursing) 3
Total SKS 18
Maksimal SKS Matakuliah Pilihan 6
Matakuliah Pilihan expand
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 UNV321 Bahasa Inggris 2 English Language 2 3
2 UNV322 Kewirausahaan 2 Entrepreneurship 2 3
Total SKS 6

Semester 7
Matakuliah Wajib
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 NHA742 Keperawatan Bencana Disaster Nursing 2
2 NHA740 Keperawatan Kritis Critical Nursing 3
3 NHA741 Keperawatan Gerontik Gerontic Nursing 3
4 NHA743 Hospice and Business Homecare Hospice and Business Homecare 3
Total SKS 11
Maksimal SKS Matakuliah Pilihan 13
Matakuliah Pilihan expand
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 UNV411 Bahasa Inggris 3 English Language 3 3
2 UNV412 Kewirausahaan 3 Entrepreneurship 3 3
Total SKS 6

Semester 8
Matakuliah Wajib
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 NHA744 Skripsi 6
Total SKS 6

Total SKS Matakuliah Wajib 138
Total SKS Matakuliah Pilihan 12
Total SKS Ketersediaan Matakuliah 150
Total SKS Lulus 144