Data Kurikulum Tahun 2022
Program Studi Teknik Informatika

Semester 1
Matakuliah Wajib
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 UNV111 Bahasa Indonesia Indonesian Language 2
2 UNV113 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Civil Education 2
3 UNV114 Pendidikan Agama expand Religion Education 2
UNV115 Pend. Agama Islam Islamic Studies
UNV116 Pend. Agama Kristen Christian Studies
UNV117 Pend. Agama Katolik Cathlolic Studies
UNV118 Pend. Agama Hindu Hindusm Studies
UNV119 Pend. Agama Budha Budhism Studies
4 UNV121 Pendidikan Pancasila Pancasila Education 2
5 CSF101 Algoritma dan Pemrograman Algorithm and Programming 3
6 CSF102 Dasar Sistem Informasi Basic of Information System 3
7 CSF103 Aljabar Linier dan Matriks Linear Algebra and Matrices 3
8 UEU101 Bahasa Inggris 1 English Language 1 3
Total SKS 20

Semester 2
Matakuliah Wajib
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 CIE201 Bahasa Pemrograman Programming Language 3
2 CIE202 Kalkulus 1 Calculus 1 3
3 CSF204 Struktur Data Data Structure 3
4 CSF205 Organisasi dan Manajemen Organization and Management 3
5 CSF206 Organisasi dan Arsitektur Komputer Computer Architecture and Organization 3
6 CSF207 Matematika Diskrit Discrete Mathematics 3
Total SKS 18

Semester 3
Matakuliah Wajib
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 CIE303 Desain dan Analisis Algoritma Algorithm Design and Analysis 3
2 CIE304 Kalkulus 2 Calculus 2 3
3 CSF308 Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek Object Oriented Programming 3
4 CSF309 Basis Data Database 3
5 CSF310 Sistem Operasi Operation System 3
6 CSF311 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Software engineering 3
7 UNV211 Kewirausahaan 1 Entrepreneurship 1 3
Total SKS 21

Semester 4
Matakuliah Wajib
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 CIE405 Manajemen Proyek Perangkat Lunak Software Project Management 3
2 CIE406 Keamanan Informasi Information Security 3
3 CSF412 Pemrograman Web Web Programming 3
4 CSF413 Jaringan Komputer Computer Network 3
5 CSF414 Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Analysis and Design of Information Systems 3
6 CSF415 Data Warehouse Data Warehouse 3
Total SKS 18
Maksimal SKS Matakuliah Pilihan 6
Matakuliah Pilihan expand
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 CIE407 Machine Learning Machine Learning 3
2 CIE408 Arsitektur Berbasis Layanan Service Oriented Architecture 3
3 CIE409 Internet of Things Internet of Things 3
Total SKS 9

Semester 5
Matakuliah Wajib
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 CIE510 Kecerdasan Artifisial Artificial Intelligence 3
2 CIE511 Pemrograman Mobile Mobile Computing 3
3 CIE512 Kriptografi Cryptography 3
4 CSF516 Statistik Statistics 3
5 CSF517 Data Mining Data Mining 3
Total SKS 15
Maksimal SKS Matakuliah Pilihan 9
Matakuliah Pilihan expand
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 CIE513 Pengolahan Citra Image Processing 3
2 CIE514 Jaringan Mobile Mobile Network 3
3 CIE515 Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Software Development 3
4 CIE516 Perancangan Aplikasi Mobile Mobile Application Design 3
Total SKS 12

Semester 6
Matakuliah Wajib
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 CIE617 Isu Sosial dan Keprofesian Teknologi Informasi Information technology professional and social issues 3
2 CSF618 Metodologi Penelitian Research Methodology 3
3 CSF619 Interaksi Manusia Komputer Human Computer Interaction 3
Total SKS 9
Maksimal SKS Matakuliah Pilihan 15
Matakuliah Pilihan expand
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 CIE618 Arsitektur Enterprise Enterprise Architecture 3
2 CIE619 Cyber Security Cyber Security 3
3 CIE620 Mobile Application and Technology Mobile Application and Technology 3
4 CSF620 Big Data Big Data 3
5 UNV321 Bahasa Inggris 2 English Language 2 3
6 UNV322 Kewirausahaan 2 Entrepreneurship 2 3
Total SKS 18

Semester 7
Matakuliah Wajib
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 CSF722 Seminar Proposal Pre- Undergraduate Thesis 2
2 CIE721 Sistem Basis Data Terdistribusi Distributed Database System 3
3 CIE722 Jaringan Komputer lanjut Advance Computer Networking 3
4 CIE723 Kapita Selekta Informatika Capita Selecta of Information Topics 3
Total SKS 11
Maksimal SKS Matakuliah Pilihan 13
Matakuliah Pilihan expand
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 CIE724 Software Quality Assurance Software Quality Assurance 3
2 CIE725 Game Development Game Development 3
3 UNV411 Bahasa Inggris 3 English Language 3 3
4 UNV412 Kewirausahaan 3 Entrepreneurship 3 3
Total SKS 12

Semester 8
Matakuliah Wajib
No Kode Nama Matakuliah (INA) Nama Matakuliah (ENG) SKS MBKM
1 CSF823 Tugas Akhir Undegraduate Thesis 6
Total SKS 6

Total SKS Matakuliah Wajib 118
Total SKS Matakuliah Pilihan 51
Total SKS Ketersediaan Matakuliah 169
Total SKS Lulus 144